قبل از پرسیدن فکر کنید
For breakfast Nani (grandmother) gave Zuzu tea and bread, and then told her a very old, important ( مهم ) story. This was Nani's story:
( شکارچی ) and ask him to kill ( کشتن ) the deer!"
The hunter said, "O.K. I will kill the deer to feed my family ( به خانواده ام غذا بده ). But to catch ( گرفتن ) the deer I must ride on your back ( باید به پشتت سوار شوم ). I must put a bridle ( افسار ) and saddle ( زین اسب ) on you."
The horse agreed ( او موافقت کرد ).
When the deer saw the hunter she ran away! The horse said to the hunter, "You failed! (ناموفق) Get off (پیاده شدن) my back (پشتم). Take off the saddle (زین اسب) so I can be free." But the hunter said, "No! You used me (تو از من استفاده کردی) for your plan. Now I will use you for my plans!
(من از شما استفاده خواهم کرد)
After that, the horse was the hunter's captive (اسیر) and the deer was free ( رایگان ).
*captive: not free.
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