Look inside you

Every good seed ( دانه ) has three things:
1) a "coat" to protect
( برای محافظت از ) it
2) food inside
3) a new baby plant
     Even when there is not a lot of sun or rain, a good seed will grow ( برای رشد ) because it has everything it needs inside it
( لازم به ) to grow. But if a seed does not have anything
(هر چیزی) inside it, then the sun and rain can never make it grow.
     What we need to be successful (موفقیت آمیز) we must find ( ما باید پیدا کنیم ) inside us. Do not look outside ( خارج از ) you.  Do not think, "If I go and live somewhere else ( یک جای دیگر ), I will grow."  Do not think, "If I earn a lot of money I will grow."  Do not think, "If I go to university, I could grow."  It is hard ( دشوار ) to believe ( باور كردن ), I know.  But it is true.
     Look inside you.  ( به درونت نگاه کن )
     What good qualities ( کیفیت ها ) do you have?*  Those qualities make you a good seed.  Those qualities are what make you grow. 

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