#32 New York

This is a true story (داستان واقعی). Two Russian ( روسی ) friends visit New York. It's December 1st. They see tall, tall buildings ( ساختمانهای بلند )! They see many stores ( مغازه ها ). They buy MANY gifts ( هدایا ) for their friends. They see the Statue of Liberty
( مجسمه آزادی ).

     It is December 3rd. It is time to go home. The two friends go to the airport (فرودگاه). They fly ( آنها پرواز می کنند ) from New York to Germany. In Germany it is snowing. It snows ... and snows ... and snows! They wait ( صبر می کنند ) in the airport two days. It is now December 6th. They fly from Germany to Russia. Finally ( سرانجام ) they are home. But their suitcases ( چمدان ها ) are lost ( رفته ). There are SO many gifts ( هدایا ) in their suitcases for their friends. The gifts are lost.  How sad.

     It is December 30th. The telephone rings. It is the airport. Their suitcases are found
( یافت )!  The gifts for their friends are found. Happy New Year!*  ( سال نو مبارک )

In many places New Year's Day is January 1.
In Afghanistan New Year's Day is March 20.
In Africa New Year's Day is April 8.
In China New Year's Day is in February.








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